Puffy Hair by Zoë Geltman

The Tank, NYC

The Tank, NYC

The Tank, NYC

The Tank, NYC

Vancouver Fringe, Canada

Vancouver Fringe, Canada

The Tank, NYC

The Tank, NYC

Puffy Hair by Zoë Geltman

Performance History Vancouver Fringe Festival, September 2023 The Tank, November 2021: set & costumes by Enver Chakartash and lighting by Sarah Lurie Big Art Group's SFX Festival, February 2018 The PIT, December 2017 Uncanny Valley, August 2017 photos by Kevin Frest

PUFFY HAIR is a night of existential stand-up performed by an id. Using Vaudeville-cum-Fosse dance moves to investigate one woman's ambivalent and tortured relationship to the male gaze, which she alternately cozies up to and execrates, it is a catharsis of self-hatred, body dysmorphia, and self-aggrandizement. A vigorous dose of lipstick smears and shoulder pads. A marriage between Joan Rivers and gastrointestinal turbulence. A struggle to hold space for the existential pressure of a bun. A boopity boop.

"Zoë Geltman's 'PUFFY HAIR' transforms beyond stand-up comedy to shocking and delicious intimacy... [the audience is] invited into Geltman's extravagant mind palace of feminine guts and glory... she zips and bops around the space, capturing a caricatured showman's energy akin to Joan Rivers meeting Liza Minnelli... The writing plays like a vigorous plea for intimacy with herself, a self-deprecating, self-aware routine as investigative and piercing as anyone's truest inner monologue talking to themselves in a mirror." -Nataline Rine, Onstage Blog

"Add wigs, impromptu handstands, plenty of always-relatable self-loathing, and a fascination with everyone from Joan Rivers to Bob Fosse and you've got something that sounds almost as awesome as lunch with Sarah Silverman. Or Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls." - The Georgia Straight

"A Fabulously Feral Feminist Fantasia... with Farts," Culturebot

Malicious Compliance by Amara Brady

Malicious Compliance by Amara Brady

WP Pipeline Festival at WP Theater 2024

Performed by Jade Jones, Nora Schell and Lorinda LisitzaProduced by Precious Wilson-Gay SM Kyra Bowie Lights Megan Lang Set Erica Zhang, Music Xander Browne, Costumes Ásta Bennie Hostetter and Jules Kulaya Sound Chris Darbassie Photos by Maria Baranova

Mo and Yuri sit under an almost non-existent potted tree named Beckett, waiting impatiently for the next phase of their career — the next part of their journey. Delores sings a song about the blood the land craves, a callous warning that the blood is the only thing that will allow them to ascend to the glory Mo and Yuri believe is possible. Inspired by Waiting for Godot, Malicious Compliance tells the story of two artists desperately waiting for a change that may cost more than they’re willing to give, or worse may never come.

A(U)NTS! workshop (full production May 2025)

A(U)NTS! By Zoë Geltman

Annie, Renee and Sherylann are aunts. They work in a dentist's office in Williamsburg and are all rapidly approaching middle age. They make their coffees, drink from their intense water bottles, and bemoan the misery of babysitting, and the shame of being a rapidly aging woman all alone. But what's that, Sherylann, you actually want kids? And Renee, you're freezing your eggs?! 

GAH! Fwowf! All of a sudden, their worlds crack open. And through that crack, a line of liberated ants marches in. 

Gleefully, disgustingly and biologically serious, A(U)NTS! explores how the largely childless, largely female, rigorously organized societies of tiny insects known as ants can model a different life for human women. photos by Maria Baranova

ICEBAND | Act 1 of Iceman Commeth | Target Margin, HERE Arts Center, NYC

Target Margin Theater present THE ICEMAN LAB, our radical new approach to THE ICEMAN COMETH by Eugene O’Neill, with four diverse theater artists each tackling a separate act of the play. This fresh take on O’Neill’s classic will allow audiences to see each act as a separate experiment and / or all four acts together as a unified whole. Photos by Gaia Squarci. Lights Kate McGee, Set Christopher Heilman, Costumes Alice Tavener Music Shane Chapman and Julia Sirna-Frest

“sonically gorgeous” -The New York Times

"As audience members took a shot with a character’s name on it, the band launched into songs that ranged from hardcore rock to indie ballad to cheery duet and a lot of things in between. As I nodded my head along to the music, I found myself really wishing that Sirna-Frest would transform more plays in this fashion, and I began to imagine what that might sound like." Bess Rowen, Huffington Post. She goes on to write an entire song in the review featuring lines like "Fourteen original songs from Chapman and Sirna-Frest, Make this Act I, in my opinion, better than the rest"

SEA FRAUD by Zoë Geltman

A surrealist jaunt through office politics, friendship, the writing process, and the very strange experience of being a person living and eating in America. Premiered at The Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in April, 2015. Performed by Ugo Chukwu, Zoë Geltman and Maggie Fignotti Katz. 

SEA FRAUD had a developmental workshop at Dixon Place in June 2015. Performed by Nikki Calonge, Zoë Geltman and Maggie Fignotti Katz. It was also developed at Dragon's Egg Studio.

MUSIC VIDEOS with Permanent Moves

In April 2024 my band Permanent Moves released our first album and with it - music videos! It was really exciting to be a part of something for the entire process from writing the songs, to recording in the studio, to coming up with concepts to ultimately creating, shooting and editing the videos and finally releasing them out into the world with my music partner Shane Chapman.